Strength in Digital Diverisity
Submitted by dave on Fri 16 Jun 2017 - 9:08Let's get this out of the way up front: any computer system that is not up-to-date with security patches to known vulnerabilities is a disaster waiting to happen.
Let's get this out of the way up front: any computer system that is not up-to-date with security patches to known vulnerabilities is a disaster waiting to happen.
In 2002, the then-powerhouse IT company Sun Microsystems was considering purchasing Microsoft Office for its 35,000 staff.
It's 2017 in NZ, and our schools aren't producing enough confident, informed digital participants. Sure, they can play games like a boss, but that's just digital consumption.
In a natural (or even man-made) disaster, communication on the ground is crucial for coordinating rescue operations but normal communication technologies like cellphones don't work.
As the rain falls outside here in Christchurch, I'm pondering the new President of the United States of America, my homeland...
A few days ago, the Microsoft Corporation trumpeted the news: it has joined the Linux Foundation.
Anyone in business should be familiar with an old truth: if you build your business so that it depends on a single supplier's product, that you can't get anywhere else, you don't actual
For a few years now, I've been advocating a different way to approach digital technology education in schools.
There's been quite a bit of hand wringing and gnashing of teeth about the fact that multinational megacorps don't pay tax, in NZ or anywhere else, really. And I think it's our fault.